Establish a pension plan

How to establish a Bâtirente pension plan?

Bâtirente is more than just a retirement plan! These plans are generally implemented as provided in a collective agreement, particularly regarding the level of employee and employer contributions.

To learn more, please call us at 1 800 253-0131 or e-mail us at A Bâtirente group- annuity advisor will contact you.

Who can enrol?

All CSN members and their spouses may enroll into Bâtirente individual membership plans, even if none were established by their local unions. They may, for instance, choose to contribute to group RRSPs or to tax-free savings accounts (TFSA).

Assistance services by a Bâtirente Advisor – Group membership plans

Bâtirente group-annuity advisors take unions through the various collective bargaining steps required to, for instance:

  • Identify the retirement plan best suited to their needs or determine the changes to be made to their existing plan
  • Draw up the union’s demand and help union advisors to write their texts
  • Provide required explanations to members on the occasion of general meetings or meetings of other union bodies
  • Explain the plan to their employers and present the required administrative procedures
  • Train union representatives on their responsibilities
  • Organize membership campaigns when new plans are implemented or when important changes are made

Bâtirente advisors periodically meet with union members and representatives to inform them of the evolution of their plans, of improvements made to their plans and to answer their questions.

Assitance services by a Bâtirente advisor – Individual membership plans

Bâtirente group-annuity advisors take unions through the various steps required to, for instance:

  • Implement payroll deduction mechanisms with employers
  • Train union representatives on their responsibilities
  • Explain the membership and contribution management procedure
  • Provide required explanations to members on the occasion of general meetings or meetings of other union bodies


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