Founded in 1987, our retirement system is a unique Québec institution, whose creation was made possible thanks to the conviction of its pioneering and forwardlooking builders. Bâtirente was born out of the idea of pooling our savings. In 2023, for the first time in our history, our members’ total accumulated savings reached $1 billion! This achievement attests to the relevance of Bâtirente to its 28,000 members and is proof of the extent to which it has evolved. More than ever, our corporation is proving its relevance to CSN unions that take part in it and the successful retirement it ensures for their members. We can also be proud of its contribution to the labour union movement alongside all its partners and bodies, whether within the federations, labour councils or collective tools.
“In 2023, for the first time in our history, our members’ total accumulated
savings reached $1 billion! This achievement attests to the relevance
of Bâtirente to its 28,000 members and is proof of the extent to which it has evolved.”
A strategic plan for moving forward
In 2022, Bâtirente’s board of directors approved the 2022–2025 strategic plan, which laid out Bâtirente’s ambition to fulfill its mission. The plan is based on three main priorities: placing members at the centre of our actions, highlighting Bâtirente’s value to partners in the CSN ecosystem, and supporting the development of talent and practices. In 2023, we continued making progress toward meeting our objectives. We strengthened financial processes by implementing a new accounting system, invested in cybersecurity and optimized our funds. In terms of our human resources, a new collective agreement was signed in June 2023; we hired more people, particularly for the development team; and we improved our work processes. We applaud the efforts and results of the entire team, who worked diligently to meet the sharp growth in retirement savings needs, skillfully applying their impressive expertise to help our members achieve a successful retirement. We would also be remiss not to mention the extensive collaboration by all our partners—from the CSN, federations and collective tools, to our plan administrator, Desjardins. This collaboration is central to Bâtirente’s success and ensures our ability to continue carrying out Bâtirente’s mission: being the trusted partner of CSN’s unions.
Responsible investment leader
Faced with the climate emergency and aware of the importance for all to contribute to the solution, Bâtirente made major climate-related commitments in 2020 to be
completed by 2025.
It therefore gives us great pride to announce that our commitment objectives were fully met in 2023! In that vein, we accomplished the following:
reduced greenhouse gas emissions attributable to Bâtirente Funds’ equity portfolios by 50% compared with their 2018 carbon footprint
tripled our impact investing, from $75M in 2018 to $225M in 2023
conducted dialogues, through our partner Æquo, Shareholder Engagement Services, with the companies in which we invest. For example, in 2022, 45 objectives were met, 73% of which directly related to our climate commitment.
contributed to numerous initiatives to help emphasize their collective impact and, among other things, we are a founding member of Climate Engagement Canada (CEC)
“Faced with the climate emergency and aware of the importance for all to
contribute to the solution, Bâtirente made major climate-related commitments
in 2020 to be completed by 2025. It therefore gives us great pride to announce
that our commitment objectives were fully met in 2023!”
We will continue to forge ahead and take concrete action that ensures we are part of the solution, in the best interest of our members, future generations and the planet. Responsible investment has always been at the heart of Bâtirente’s values and actions, and it’s part of our DNA.
Partnership with Fondaction
During the opening of the 67th CSN Convention in May 2023, CSN President Caroline Senneville announced that Bâtirente and Fondaction were joining forces to benefit workers across Québec. During Bâtirente’s annual general meeting of June 2, 2023, Éric Filion spoke to the fact of these two organizations’ shared values—sustainable development and the desire to take action on social and environmental challenges, but especially the issue of their members’ and shareholders’ financial health—which made them want to pool their expertise. This combining of forces will consolidate Bâtirente’s ability to fulfill its mission: helping its members achieve a successful retirement.
Honouring our Builders
Bâtirente is a resolutely forward-thinking organization that still remains very proud of its roots. During the 2023 AGM, we paid tribute to Pierre Patry, our Board Chair for 17 years prior to Yvan Duceppe’s arrival. Under Pierre’s chairmanship, Bâtirente assets saw substantial growth, the corporation defined itself as a strong collective tool adapted to its members’ needs, and it became a leader in responsible investment. Well respected within the CSN movement, Mr. Patry was inducted into the Builders’ Honour Roll, joining four other pioneers who, like himself, had helped Bâtirente successfully achieve its mission.
Board elections
During the 2023 AGM, CSN Treasurer Yvan Duceppe was elected as a CSN-appointed representative, for a second term, as was Alexandre Laviolette, Fédération du commerce (FC-CSN) President, for his first term. Two members representing the groups were also elected for their first term: Jonathan Paradis Lapointe, Vice-President, Health & Safety of the STT du groupe PJC entrepôt labour union; and Sylvain Grenier, Treasurer, Fédération de l’industrie manufacturière (FIM-CSN) federation and representative of the Syndicat des travailleurs de l’industrie manufacturière union.
Néjia Chehidi, President of the STT de l’Hôtel Reine Elizabeth union, stepped down from the board in 2022 after serving on it for 12 years. We thanked Néjia for
her dedication to Bâtirente and for her participation on the Member Services Committee. Kevin Gagnon of the STT de Bridgestone union and Vice-President of the FIM-CSN, and Michel Valiquette, Treasurer, FC-CSN, also left the board.
Finally, we wish to thank all members of the board and external committees for their commitment and contribution to the corporation’s success. The work and dedication of each and every one of them is what has made Bâtirente a strong, efficient and responsible organization benefiting its members.
Long live the CSN! Long live Bâtirente!