Our Partners

Portfolio Management

Fixed income, treasury ans bonds

logo Addenda Capital
logo AlphaFixe
logo Desjardins Insurance
logo Desjardins Insurance
logo Desjardins Insurance

Global equity

logo AGF
logo Desjardins Insurance
logo Fiera Capital

Canadian equity

logo Desjardins Insurance
logo Fiera Capital
Foyston Gordon and Payne

Global small cap equity

logo Global Alpha
logo Van Berkom

Other funds

logo PGEQ

Administration and support

Æquo Shareholder Engagement Services is mandated to carry out shareholder engagement activities and to exercise voting rights in accordance with the Bâtirente Funds investment policy.

Aon lend their asset management expertise to the Investment and Extrafinancial Risks Committee.

Desjardins Insurance* is responsible for registering by-laws with authorities, administering accounts and financial activities, reporting funds’ investment activities, maintaining a member services department, and opening guaranteed funds. It also acts as fiduciary of Bâtirente Funds while Desjardins Trust acts as asset custodian.

Desjardins Trust is the custodian of external funds securities and units held by Bâtirente Funds.

* Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company

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