My options
You have ceased to participate in your group retirement plan and have received a statement of benefits detailing the amounts you have accumulated as well as the options available to you.
Know that you can continue to participate and invest in the Bâtirente group retirement system and benefit from its many advantages.
Your options
Are you planning to retire soon and want to convert your balance to your group’s RRIF/LIF or learn more about our retirement planning and preparation services?
You can make an appointment with one of our advisors.
Do you want to stay in the Bâtirente RRSP?
- Locate the “Return” section(s) at the bottom of your statement
- Check option 1 and complete the enrolment form included in the mailing
- Mail everything to the address indicated next to the signature block of the statement
Contact the Member Services Centre by phone at 1 800 463-6984, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or by email at batirente@dsf.ca.
Find out more about our Plannuity retirement support service.